Serve the tasty fish curry hot with steamed rice
Fish Recipes, Sea Food

Goan Fish Curry | Konkani Fish Curry

Goan Fish CurryGoa’s 450 years under Portuguese domination produced a unique, syncretic blend of East and West that is at once exotic and strangely familiar.  The various influences have made the Goan cuisine an interesting blend of tastes as a result of which it has a phenomenal repertoire of both vegetarian and non-vegetarian delicacies. Goan Fish Curry or Konkani Fish Curry is not very much spicy like Chettinad Fish curry and has its own taste which deserves to be tasted few times in between.

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Black Pepper lemon chicken
chicken recipes, Chicken starter recipes, Dry Chicken Recipes, Fish Recipes, Recipes

Black Pepper Lemon fried chicken

Black Pepper Lemon fried chicken Black Pepper Lemon chicken

Easy Black Pepper chicken fry is a quick chicken recipe for the dry chicken or starter chicken but very delicious which you can quickly prepare at home and serve it as a starter or chicken side dish. Ingredients required for this starter chicken fry recipe are also very accessible. So come let’s make our Pepper Fried Chicken .

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Famous Katla Kalia | Bengali Fish Curry | Macher Kalia Recipe | Catla Fish Curry
Fish Recipes, Recipes, Sea Food

🐟 Famous Katla Kalia | Bengali Fish Curry | Macher Kalia Recipe | Catla Fish Curry

Famous Katla Kalia | Bengali Fish Curry | Macher Kalia Recipe | Catla Fish Curry

Katla Kalia is a famous Bengali fish curry recipe from the state of West Bengal. It uses Katla i.e. Catla fish i.e. Bengal carp. It is little bit spicy but at the same time very delicious. Please feel free to adjust the spices as per your taste.

Famous Katla Kalia | Bengali Fish Curry | Macher Kalia Recipe | Catla Fish Curry Continue reading “🐟 Famous Katla Kalia | Bengali Fish Curry | Macher Kalia Recipe | Catla Fish Curry”